How to Perform a Reiki Energy Style Healing Session

How to Perform a Reiki Energy Style Healing Session

What is Reiki? Reiki is the use of physical touch to transfer healing energy through the healer directly into another person's body. Reiki is Japanese meaning "Light" (rei) and "Universal Life Force Energy" (ki). Reiki is an excellent way to heal bruises, infections, headaches, and other illness, depending on the level of practitioners. There are four levels before you become a master with many hand positions, there will only be a few hand positions that are used for a beginner Reiki practitioner. Reiki is a universal energy that comes from the Source of Life. Reiki energy can also be effectively used to eliminate harmful toxins within our physical body. A full session of Reiki last about 45 minutes and the removal of all metal from the body are important to get the energy to travel to the areas and not get distracted.


Make sure the person lays on the floor or a flat table with their arms straight to the side of the body.


Each hand position will take a few minutes until the Reiki practitioner feels the shift of the energy from the person to their hand.


Reiki hand position for the eyes and forehead is the easiest. Place hands over the eyes and forehand so that the long side of the index finger are near but not touching the side of the nose. Do not press down, just lightly touch. You will feel the heat.


Reiki hand position for the side of the head is used in a sitting position. Place the little finger of each hand under the earlobe, and the tip of the fourth finger, known as the ring finger, of each hand just in front of the little flap at the entrance to each ear canal. Gently press the palms against the side of the head.


Reiki hand position for the small intestines, diaphragm, and kidneys is the same. Move both hands down the body one hand-width to each area. Keep in these areas for three minutes for a deeper energy transformation.


Some times if you have too many Reiki sessions, just like massages, you may feel nausea. Make sure you drink plenty of water before and after the sessions will solve that problems. Although Reiki is a powerful and effective healing technique we need to learn more about the strengths and limitations for there are several levels including the second level of Reiki the use of Reiki Symbols for the mind.