How to Perform Cupping Therapy

How to Perform Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy is an ancient therapy used all over the world, but it's only a recent phenomena in the Western part of the world. It is a process of removing toxins that naturally build up in people's bodies over time. The need to perform cupping therapy comes from the idea that if toxins are not removed from the body then problems will occur.


Use glass cups to perform cupping therapy. The cups are applied directly to the surface of the skin. Air is sucked out of the cup. This causes the skin to be sucked up into the cup. The sucking action stimulates the blood circulation.


Add a little heat. Some cupping methods use a flame on the glass before starting. The flame is supposed to eliminate oxygen inside the cup and create the desired vacuum effect when quickly applied to the skin.


Understand the different cupping methods that may be performed. The methods include weak cupping, medium cupping, strong cupping, moving cupping, needle cupping, moxa cupping, empty cupping, full cupping, herbal cupping and water cupping.


Determine which cupping method is best. The different cupping methods all produce different results depending on the patient's needs. The practitioner should examine the patient and ask questions in order to decide which of the 10 methods of cupping therapy will work best.


Detoxify the body and receive other benefits by performing cupping therapy. The detoxification that occurs is one of the most noticeable benefits of cupping therapy. You can see the effects on the skin and blood circulation after just a few treatments. Your skin will look healthier with increased color. Cupping therapy helps treat a variety of ailments from back pain to depression.

Tips & Warnings

Consult your doctor before starting any form of alternative medicine.

How to Perform a Reiki Energy Style Healing Session

How to Perform a Reiki Energy Style Healing Session

What is Reiki? Reiki is the use of physical touch to transfer healing energy through the healer directly into another person's body. Reiki is Japanese meaning "Light" (rei) and "Universal Life Force Energy" (ki). Reiki is an excellent way to heal bruises, infections, headaches, and other illness, depending on the level of practitioners. There are four levels before you become a master with many hand positions, there will only be a few hand positions that are used for a beginner Reiki practitioner. Reiki is a universal energy that comes from the Source of Life. Reiki energy can also be effectively used to eliminate harmful toxins within our physical body. A full session of Reiki last about 45 minutes and the removal of all metal from the body are important to get the energy to travel to the areas and not get distracted.


Make sure the person lays on the floor or a flat table with their arms straight to the side of the body.


Each hand position will take a few minutes until the Reiki practitioner feels the shift of the energy from the person to their hand.


Reiki hand position for the eyes and forehead is the easiest. Place hands over the eyes and forehand so that the long side of the index finger are near but not touching the side of the nose. Do not press down, just lightly touch. You will feel the heat.


Reiki hand position for the side of the head is used in a sitting position. Place the little finger of each hand under the earlobe, and the tip of the fourth finger, known as the ring finger, of each hand just in front of the little flap at the entrance to each ear canal. Gently press the palms against the side of the head.


Reiki hand position for the small intestines, diaphragm, and kidneys is the same. Move both hands down the body one hand-width to each area. Keep in these areas for three minutes for a deeper energy transformation.


Some times if you have too many Reiki sessions, just like massages, you may feel nausea. Make sure you drink plenty of water before and after the sessions will solve that problems. Although Reiki is a powerful and effective healing technique we need to learn more about the strengths and limitations for there are several levels including the second level of Reiki the use of Reiki Symbols for the mind.

How to Overcome Depression Naturally

How to Overcome Depression Naturally

Depression is becoming a common condition in today's society. There are many kinds of depression: clinical, physical, emotional. Do you suffer from emotional depression? Are you facing medications to overcome that depression? If you prefer a natural means to overcome depression, then you'll want to read these suggestions.

Things You'll Need:

A positive attitude

How to Overcome Depression Naturally


When you rise in the morning, start off your day by being thankful that you are alive and say it out loud. Say it several times even if you don't mean it right now.


Look around and find three things that you are thankful for. If your bed is broken and the sheets are ripped you can still be thankful that you have a bed because many others don't. If you have lost the one you love, be thankful that you were loved because there are many hurting people out there who don't know what it's like to be loved.


Do not compare what you have to what other people have. You need to start with the very basics of what you have and be grateful for them. If you can't be thankful for the things you have, you will never be thankful for anything else you get.


If you don't have a job but you can still move around, think and communicate, then your prospects are not hopeless. You can
get a job
; many others can't.


If you don't have the education you need to get a job, then go to your neighborhood social services and get them to sponsor your education so that you can be educated. Remember, being uneducated does not mean that you are not smart.


Face your responsibilities in life and don't hide behind the mask of depression that keeps you from doing the things you need to do.


Decide whether you want to stay where you are with the problems you have or whether you want to rise up and have all that the world has to offer.


If you are suffering from an emotional blow, then you need to know that you are not alone. Find a support group with the same concerns and join it. Share with others and learn how to overcome your issues so that you can live life to the fullest.

Tips & Warnings

Remember, no matter what life has to offer, we all choose what we want from it. YOU choose if you want to be happy and YOU chose if you want to stay depressed. But when life is over, don't complain because you made the wrong choice. Everyone is entitled to live life abundantly. And whether you want to see it or not, everyone has to overcome struggles in their lives to get there. You are not alone unless you chose to be.

Words are powerful. You are what you say you are so start saying, I am the head and not the tail. And you will see yourself rise out of the depression and into a state of appreciation. But you need to start with this moment.

If you are having thoughts of suicide, contact a healthcare professional immediately. Some forms of depression are severe enough to require medication and you need to be examined by a physician to determine that.

How to Obtain Better Posture Through the Alexander Technique

How to Obtain Better Posture Through the Alexander Technique

If you slump on a regular basis, you are not alone. Many individuals slump in chairs, hunch over computer keyboards and stand in ways that make them appear much shorter than their actual heights. This affects more than just appearance, however, leading to tension and strain on the body that can be very uncomfortable. The Alexander Technique is a method many people use to unlearn poor postural habits and develop better body balance. Besides posture, the Alexander Technique is also used to self-manage pain and stress, as well as to prevent injury and promote more fluid movements.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Consider the Alexander Technique and Postural Problems


Recognize that postural problems may develop because of habits developed over many years.


Understand that postural problems can lead to unnecessary strain and discomfort.


Know that tight back and neck muscles, as well as slumping, may be habitual.


Elicit the help of an Alexander Technique practitioner to help you to unlearn body habits, rediscover body balance, eliminate discomfort and make movement more efficient.


Gain more information about the Alexander Technique on the American Society for the Alexander Technique Web site (see Resources below).

Obtain Help From an Alexander Technique Practitioner


Visit the Web site for the American Society for the Alexander Technique to find a local practitioner.


Locate the "Find A Teacher" link and click on it.


Click on the drop-down box to find a teacher in your state or click on the "International Teachers" link to find practitioners in your area.


Browse through the practitioner list to obtain contact information for available teachers.


Contact at least a few practitioners and let them know that you want to obtain better posture through the Alexander Technique


Choose a practitioner and arrange for your first lesson.


Show up for your lesson in comfortable clothes that fit loosely.


Have an open mind as you seek better posture through the Alexander Technique.

Tips & Warnings

Expect to find moderate prices for most Alexander Technique lessons.

Keep in mind that you may not find relief for all conditions through the Alexander Technique. If you are having severe pain or have a serious medical condition, seek the advice of a physician.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Negotiate Goals With a Hypnotherapist

How to Negotiate Goals With a Hypnotherapist

If you want to correct a situation in your life, you must first have a goal. Taking a trip without a road map won't guarantee that you will arrive in Chicago, but there are several ways to get there. If you're working with a hypnotherapist, your ultimate destination should reflect realistic and healthy goals.


Decide what you want from the therapy. Visiting with a hypnotherapist and stating that you want a better life may seem as though you have outlined your goals. However, that's a vague goal because you must define what you believe a makes a good life.


Discuss your feelings with the hypnotherapist and see if they believe there are issues you need to address. Absorb what your therapist has to offer.


Disclose all physical ailments to the therapist. Many issues that are dwelling in your subconscious can aid in the creation of these ailments. The therapist takes this into account while developing your goals. Various side effects of the disease and medications may also be at the root of your problem.


Confirm the goals that the hypnotherapist suggests. If you choose not to follow the plan, tell your therapist why and reevaluate what should be done. Find the reasoning behind the therapist'a suggestion.


Remember you are in charge of your destiny. When you go to a hypnotherapist, you're not turning your life over to another person but are instead accessing an aid in your journey to a better lifestyle. Ultimately you're in charge, but since you are paying for the visit, use their expertise.


Get information on how you can practice self hypnosis and visualization at home. Make certain that you negotiate the goal of self direction with your therapist. This allows you to move faster through the sessions and continue change long after sessions have ended.

How to Use Toothpaste to Clean Silver Jewelry

How to Use Toothpaste to Clean Silver Jewelry

Why spend tons of money on expensive cleaners to remove tarnish from your silver jewelry, when you can use toothpaste? Most costly silver cleaners include a mixture of baking soda and water, which is similar the formulas used in most tubes of toothpaste. Not only will using toothpaste save you money, it is also non-toxic and easy to clean up.


Choose the right toothpaste. The key to using toothpaste as a silver jewelry cleaner is the baking soda. Do not use gel toothpaste, as it usually does not contain baking soda. And, avoid toothpastes that boast tartar-control or whitening power, as they may include chemicals that can harm your silver.


Use a soft dampened cloth to clean more delicate jewelry or softer silvers. Wet the silver and add a dab of toothpaste. Remember that a little goes a long way. Rub gently with the moistened cloth until polished.


Add a bit more toothpaste if the cloth becomes dark with tarnish and continue cleaning. Simply wash the darkened toothpaste foam from the jewelry piece, rinse the cloth and begin again.


Scrub your silver jewelry gently with a toothbrush for stubborn tarnish or hard to reach grooves. Try to find an old worn toothbrush or buy a new soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent scratching.


Rinse the polished silver jewelry in warm water and dry with a soft towel.

Tips & Warnings

Toothpaste is an effective cleansing agent not just for your silver jewelry but also for your larger silver pieces.

While toothpaste may be the best and most economical method for cleaning silver jewelry, it can be abrasive and may scratch more delicate silver items. Always test a small area first, in order to determine whether your jewelry piece should be cleaned with toothpaste or not.

How to Use Personal Makeover Software

How to Use Personal Makeover Software

Personal makeover software is now at the fingertips of anyone who has a computer and Internet connection. Use personal makeover software to save thousands of dollars on makeup and procedures by seeing the "after" results before paying to buy products or have procedures done to the body and the face. For everything from changing your

to changing your nose, you can preview the results on your computer screen.

Things You'll Need:

Digital or film camera

Scanner if you use a film camera

Explore Offerings


Visit computer software stores to study the hundreds of personal makeover software programs available.


Look at the various choices offered on Internet websites for the ideal personal software. The offerings are broad and address everything from makeup and hair color to wardrobe and

for the breasts and nose. New York Image Consultant offers makeovers for men and women (see Resources below).


Ask a friend whether she's tried any computer software makeover programs and if so, which ones she would recommend.


Purchase or download a software program onto your computer.

Upload Photo


Have a friend take a stark photograph of you with no makeup on. Include a face shot and full body shot without clothing (only lingerie, leotard or bathing suit) for an accurate picture.


Load the photos onto your computer directly from a digital camera or by scanning them. When the software you use prompts you for your photos, click to upload them.

Click and Reveal a New You


Choose an alteration and click on each choice. Wait for the program to apply the change. Repeat on each face or body part until you get the desired results.


Save any desirable image changes. Delete the undesirable ones.


Print images for a "wish" photo album. Share with professionals who may be able to help achieve desired results.


Share makeover images by forwarding them to friends and family to get other opinions. However, ultimately it will be your decision because you're the one who will have to live with these choices.

Tips & Warnings

Explore the price range of various types of personal makeover software before downloading it.

Download software from a secure website to prevent identity theft.

Be wary of software that recommends only products from one line or one manufacturer.